Friday, October 11, 2013


                The Renaissance,  taking place from the 14th century to the 17th century, was a time of
great advancements in many of the arts as well as many technological advancements. This time
period has earned its many different titles due to how much we humans as a species progressed
and grew culturally. We began developing many different types and forms of government to better
comply with people of the working class instead of only attending to the needs of the rich while the
poor starve. Through these many different achievements as well as new discoveries in science led to
this time in our history being well respected as a true turning point in us as a species, well deserving
its names such as the golden age.
                The contrast between the renaissance and the middle ages are quite drastic. The middle
ages were a time of great peril and many suffered. The middle ages were a time when war was
inevitable and the serfs starved to feed the nobles behind their great walls. This was also a time
where education was extremely lacking, yet through the use of the arts and many scientific
advancements we were able to pull ourselves out and begin anew. In doing so the plague was
ended and finally a time of great note had begun, this time of course being the renaissance or the
golden age. In this new era education began being a more important part in people’s lives. There
also began the rise of the middle class, working men who were able to live comfortably in decent
homes. Many people had the ability to rise above their position through hard work, instead of being
damned to an awful and unrewarding life just because of the roof they were born under. The
difference between these two eras is immense and the transition in to the golden age was exactly
what we needed to survive.
                The renaissance was a great turning point in the arts due to its help in bringing a small
amount of entertainment to the common man during the dark ages. During that time the arts were
one of the few small pleasures these people could enjoy helping them progress in to a much better
era, the renaissance. This era was known as “The Golden Age of the Arts” because during this time
the arts were extremely influential and the great queen Elizabeth highly supported the arts. The arts
allowed many people to express their opinions, feelings and ideas, broadening the spectrum in
which people think and helping to open their minds to many new possibilities. This age had such a
significant impact on the arts one of the nicknames it has received is due to its great influence on
this particular aspect of the humanities.
               Queen Elizabeth had a great impact on the Renaissance due to her great support for
education and the arts. Queen Elizabeth had a spectacular education growing up according to the
Wikipedia page about her and thus making her a strong believer in education. She was also a strong
supporter of William Shakespeare, one of the greatest writers of all time, who inspired many people
and continues to do so even to this day. She was successfully able to avoid the invasion of the
Spanish whilst helping to enrich the minds of her people with the power of knowledge. Without this
woman the renaissance may have not have had such a powerful effect on humanity, let alone even
happen at all.
           Othello, a story of a Moorish general who fell in love with the daughter of a Venetian senator
who is betrayed by many of his most trusted comrades due to this forbidden love ending with his
tragic death. This play shows the ignorance of people, and how social stature or race does not
matter, the only thing that truly matters is love. This tale appeals to people’s emotions by touching
a very sensitive place in people’s hearts, and for its time was a very forbidden love affair between
two interracial lovers at different ends of the political structure. Shakespeare was able to show that
love has no limits or boundaries, love is love, even when rejected by society, making Othello forever
and always one of the most influential plays to the humanities.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hayden - good answers overall -
    Q#1 - great - 20/20
    Q#2 - so general and repetitive - what were some specific reasons people were able to advance and have nicer homes, jobs etc...15/20
    Q#3 - be more specific - you've said this in your other answers 15/20
    Q#4 - 17/20 - wikipedia - that's it?
    Q#5 - 20/20 - great! Total points - 87/100

    as a general note - time periods are always capitalized.
